FLUX-tours walkabout

Visitor, on entering the musuem…
… let your eyes become butterflies.
Follow them. Use camera, pen and paper
for that. Be clumsy. Act without looking first.
Be taken by surpise.

With FLUX-tours via FLUX to romanticism and back again

Travel preparations: Be romantic and revolutionary. Leave humouressless and naïvity at hall stand.
Only phantasy, pleasure in thinking and joy of playing lead to the revolution of romanticism.

Travel route: The journey begins in the clouds. Flight above Neubrandenburg in the evening sun. Greeting the maltreated Buddah. Past an on-going fight to water music. Gentle slide above white lines in grime bed. Foretaste: grilled duck. It soon starts ist journey through the body. Pick up the telephone, it rings for you. Venus awaits you. Ben will give you something to drink. Enter the stage and be a FLUXUS star.
Sit in the bathtub and dream romantically. Be a FLUX-tours guest. The travel organizers will be delighted.